Helpful Tips for preparing for your new Puppy!

We have some suggestions to prepare for you new arrival:

Ask the Breeder what food the pup is on and if they are on free choice (Small dog breeds) or a scheduled feeding (larger breeds)

Get a crate or secure playpen, as well as pee pads. Puppies should not go outside on the soil to go potty or walks until they have received all 3 puppy vaccines which will be given at 6, 9, and 12 weeks

Choose play toys wisely. Stay away from rope toys as puppies can digest the rope yarn which will bind up inside them. Same goes for rawhide chews.

Have a "new puppy" exam set up with your vet to be sure your puppy is healthy and to set up any further vaccines. Be sure the Breeder gives you a record of what vaccines and de-wormings have been done.

You should be very careful to keep your puppy safe until they have had all 3 of their puppy vaccines. They will not have full immunity from things like Parvo until they have had all 3 shots. Don't take them out on walks or around any strange puppies until they are fully vaccinated.

About Our Breeders

We represent a group of smaller Breeders which we know are honest, good people, who take good care of their dogs. We require that they vaccinate and de-worm their puppies on the recommended schedule. The Breeders location is posted with the litter descriptions. You will be going to that location to pick your puppy up or they may work with you to meet you part way.

Any Questions we can help you with?